Piloting of e-entrepreneurs Training Course in Italy
Piloting of e-entrepreneurs Training Course in Italy
APID Torino has been collaborating for more than two years with six European partners. The first is YSAO (Ylä-Savo Vocational College, Finland) official leader of this specific project. Part of the Ylä-Savo Municipal Education Federation, it deals with adult education. The second is p-consulting.gr is an IT, training and consulting company, based in Patras (Greece). The third is Eurosuccess Consulting (Cyprus) which aims to create links between the economy of Cyprus and the European market in general by activating international programs and consolidating the network of partners abroad. The fourth is Letu (Lithuania) or the Lithuanian trade union for education and science. The fifth is Women Union Patras (Greece), the Women’s Union of Patras, a humanitarian organization focused on empowering women and vulnerable social groups, founded in 1991. The sixth is Errotu, an SME that deals with specialized architecture and aging society Founded in 2014, it has two lines of work: on the one hand, consulting and training, and on the other, project management and development and planning, all oriented to improve the quality of life of people, especially the elderly, through the environment.
The partners have defined 7 modules dedicated to training. The modules are as follows:
- Introduction to entrepreneurship;
- From the idea to the business;
- Digital Marketing;
- Business Networking;
- Fundraising and finance;
- Presentation of a digital entrepreneurial project (pitch)
The specific objectives of the training were to support women over 40 and those who wish to become digital entrepreneurs and acquire a complete knowledge of the digital entrepreneurship sector, acquire a complete knowledge of the digital entrepreneurship sector acquire the skills and competences necessary to manage their own online business and become independent entrepreneurs, as well as guide them on how to gain a competitive advantage in the job market and promote their innovative business ideas.
Apid Imprenditorialità Donna, accordingly to the activities foreseen by the project, organized piloting training sessions online on 28/02, 7/3, 14/3, 21/3
In order to attract more persons we collaborated with Microlab, an association working with and for people interested in opening a small business. We also received interest from persons outside Turin (Rome, Milan and Val Sesia) so we decided to deliver the piloting on line. This decision was useful also for the Covid issue as in Italy at that time we still add restriction and above all we had persons in quarantine. Having the on line sessions we were able to deliver the program without any delay.
Initially 19 persons were involved into the piloting.
To access the training it was not mandatory to be at least 40 years old. All those who have the desire to learn, acquire knowledge and / or strengthen their skills and competences in the field of digital entrepreneurship were welcome.
In the first part of the training we explained the project, the training, the mentoring process and above all the platform. We decided to organize the meeting weekly in order to give trainees the possibility to study slowly the e-modules. The on line sessions were the opportunity to go deep into difficulties that they might have encountered.
We finally collected results and evaluation from the participants. In general trainees were happy about the training and they feel more prepared on topics covered. It seems that digital marketing and business planning are the most difficult and important topics that need to be further explored.