
Mentoring Sessions in Finland

Mentoring Sessions in Finland

In YSAO the Mentoring program of the WIN online project was followed by the module training piloting. All the members who originally took part or piloting here asked if they also would like to continue to the next step of the program. Finally, 2 women from the original piloting group and 2 new woman started the mentoring.

Mentoring meetings were launched on 5th of May on a Teams online meeting. First all the participants introduced them and open up their story and what kind of situation they are at the moment. Some of the woman already had their business going and needed quite specific mentoring. In this meeting participants were also introduced the Women In Line idea of mentoring and what are the responsibilities of a mentor and mentee. First meeting was held by two YSAO teacher. After the first online meeting local project team started to find suitable couples as a mentor and mentee.

Mentors and mentees where connected together and they cloud together decide how they would proceed on meeting, online or face to face. Some of the “couples” met online manly because of the distance ad some met face to face. Project team stepped on the side on the mentoring process and only helped and gave support if needed. Finally, all the group gathered together for the final meeting on the 30th on May to check how everything was going. Some of the mentoring couples had decided to continue their mentoring after the end of the project.

The goal was to:

-create woman networks between young and older entrepreneur

-encourage new entrepreneurs

-support the mentees on their journey


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