
Mentoring Sessions in Italy

Mentoring Sessions in Italy

Mentoring is a new opportunity for new women entrepreneurs. Mentoring is the motto for which young entrepreneurs can turn to experienced entrepreneurs and talk about starting their own business. Those who have many years of experience in their business sector are certainly a step ahead of those who are just starting and can give important advice and information. Although it still represents a difficult choice today, doing business starts from self-awareness and self-leadership.

In Turin the Mentoring program of the WIN online project was an accompanying process through which the Mentors made their time and skills available to support the growth of the new women entrepreneurs, the Mentee. Launched in April, it saw the participation of 8 mentees and two women mentors.

With the realization of this program WINonline aimed to:

-Create a “female network” based on the strong relationship between Senior women and young women

– Encourage the ambition of young women and empower them by asking them to think critically about themselves

– Encourage female leadership

-Support the mentees in the enhancement of their business idea, inclinations, and attitudes

-To let professionals, know what the aspirations and difficulties of today’s new women entrepreneurs are.

The Mentor, like the coach, is a fundamental professional figure for private and professional life. Mentors and Coaches guide users on a social and work path, helping them to find their goals and reach them in the most effective way. In the specific WINonline program sometimes the mentor and coach figures mixed, a lot was due to the obstacles and challenges that the new entrepreneurs were facing. We noticed that sometimes they were technical and sometimes more personal.

The match was also very important. Having received a personal application form by WINonline former trainers becoming potential mentees it was easier for the organization to collocate the right match. The program is still on – going and at the end of May it will finish officially. It is most likely to occur that new entrepreneurs, mentors and expert from Apid will establish a new and strong network to help new entrepreneurs to get their businesses stronger and stronger.